Inspired by the legendary serpent that eats its own tail, the cycle of the seasons, life and death: Co-Lab 2 is a devised work in twelve parts.
Starting in the twelfth astrological house, the zodiac sign of Pisces, and moving backwards toward the vernal equinox, the performance explores cyclical form as a lens on the world and our experiences within it.
siren song♓
Oh great oracle. You’ve awoken.
an ode♒
A conversation between the two power dynamics. Where must their paths go?
Run. Run. Run from your woes. Push them onto others.
the archer♐
They’ve been the prey. Who could ever leave them? Who could stay?
canadian sex♏
A typical polyamorous night out at the club gone wrong. Paths change.
fame! ♎
A larger-than-life beauty pageant comes to life in this Co-Lab production of Ouroboros. Consisting of flashy lighting design, intricate costume layering and an eccentric soundtrack.
The fun is short-lived for some of these pageant-goers as they’re dropped back into reality in this durational piece.
The employees band together to form a support group and discover a terrible secret in the middle of the action.
Touch & Gone♋
Dirty laundry is thrown out into the open as they confess their lives to each other.
Artist Lead♊
Finding a new path of work is difficult, Somehow, they persevere.
Summoning Patience♉
A moment of reflection takes place throughout the land as they band together once more.
toccata and fugue in d minor♈
One final glance at the chaos.